Well, I haven't been keeping up with the Baldwin Blog, but we have been keeping busy.
The weather:
Since moving to Huntsville, we experienced cold, snow, rain, sunshine, hot, cool, spring, winter, summer, and about every variation of seasons that could possibly happen. We've enjoyed the changes in temperature, since Monterey didn't really have any change in weather. Right now, we are enjoying springtime in the South with all the beautiful flowers and blossoms on the trees.
With the weather, comes bugs. We've had spiders, roaches, bees and ants. Luckily, we haven't had mosquitos...yet. I'm sure when we get to Jordan we'll experience another variety of bugs, so we, or I, better get used to it.
Our days:
Chris spends his days at the Command and General Staff College and is doing well. He is almost done with the course and has survived hours of group work and peer participation, which is never easy. A bit of good news for our Family and a direct reflections of all the hard work Chris has been doing...he will be promoted to Major on May 1st! And in addition to that, he was accepted into Graduate school at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.
Jake and I spend our days in a less structured environment. We regularly attend a playgroup that meets across the street on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I've been getting to the gym and they offer childcare, so that keeps Jake entertained, and gives me a break. Jake has also been taking gymnastics classes on Mondays.
Huntsville is a wonderful town and we've experienced a lot that is has to offer. We have been downtown to feed the ducks in the park. We've been to the U.S. Space and Rocket Center, to the Harmony Park Safari, and the Botanical Gardens. We attended the St. Patrick's Day parade. We joined the First Presbyterian Church and I was able to attend a women's retreat at the St. Benadictine Monastery in Cullman, AL. We've been to Nashville twice and have had a number of other adventures as well.
We will be sad and glad to leave. We've had a great time here in Huntsville, but are excited to get on to our next adventure. The movers will be here next week to pick up our stuff to ship to Jordan. We will be spending some time on leave in Georgia and South Dakota until we go.