Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wadi Mujib

I'm way behind on my blog posts. I haven't blogged since updating with the Oman trip. Since we returned our days have been filled with play groups, parks, and dinner at the Embassy.

Last Friday, we went to Wadi Mujib Nature Reserve. It's located along the Dead Sea and you have to be 18 or older to participate in the hike, so we left Jake home with Ms. Ailyn. Our friend, Jon Bess, acted as our guide. You have to have a guide or someone who has been on the hike before. I'm not sure how you could get lost because you just follow the wadi and climb in and out of water along the trail. They provide life jackets and once you get to the waterfall, the fun begins and you can float back down most of it. It was beautiful!

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